03 Sep 2014, 9:00

Energy and Water: A Producers Perspective

The seminar would examine water and energy perspectives from the side of the producer. As part of the work performed by the Swedish Water House cluster group on that subject, the seminar would bring together the biggest energy producers on the Swedish market to present ongoing work on sustainability, how the address latest trends and challenges in the ever changing global energy mix as well as efforts in expanding renewable energy sources, aspects of energy markets and interactions with decision-making functions influencing energy production opportunities.

The seminar would stimulate discussions bridging the gap between water experts and energy producers, looking at common definitions but also to challenge the way both communities relates to concepts within their traditional fields. Potential outcomes could be a firmer understanding of what motivates energy producers in the current world order and what strategic tools and incentives are needed to potentially change current practices.

Venue name: Side event at the 2014 World Water Week in Stockholm
Venue URL


09:00 Welcome
Mr. Andreas Lindström, SIWI

09:05 Presentation of the Seminar Structure and Ambitions
Dr. Jakob Granit, SEI

09:15 Understanding the Links; Energy Generation – Water Resources and the Environment
Professor emeritus Gustaf Olsson, Lund University, Sweden

09:30 Societal Good vs. Societal Good – Perspectives on Energy Generation and Perceived Conflicts
Mr. Jens Bjöörn, Fortum, Sweden

09:50 Coal-water conflicts: global overview and cases from China, India and South Africa
Ms. Iris Cheng, Greenpeace International

10:10 Target Conflicts and Political Will, How Can Priorities Be Aligned?
Mr. Johan Tielman, E.ON, Sweden

10:30 Coffee Break

10:50 Energy Politics; Understanding Decision-Making Affecting Energy Planning and Choices
Ms. Helena Leander, The Green Party and Ms. Sofia Arkelsten, The Moderate Party

11:20 The Role of Water in Todays and Tomorrows Sustainable and Competitive Energy Systems
Mr. Christer Ljunggren, Vattenfall, Sweden

11:40 Aspects of a “Sun Economy”
Mr. Tobias Persson, Swedish Energy Agency

12:00 Panel Discussion
Moderator: Dr. Jakob Granit, SEI

  •  Professor emeritus Gustaf Olsson, Lund University, Sweden
  •  Mr. Jens Bjöörn, Fortum, Sweden
  •  Mr. Johan Tielman, E.ON, Sweden
  •  Mr. Christer Ljunggren, Vattenfall, Swedon
  •  Mr. Tobias Persson, Swedish Energy Agency
  •  Ms. Helena Leander, The Green Party
  •  Ms. Sofia Arkelsten, The Moderate Party
  •  Ms. Iris Cheng, Greenpeace International

12:30 Close of Seminar


  • E.ON
  • Fortum
  • Stockholm International Water Institute
  • Swedish Energy Agency
  • Swedish Water House
  • Vattenfall
World Water WeekWater and climate
03 Sep 2014, 9:00