Press and media

SIWI's communications team welcomes all requests from journalists regarding interviews, story angles, research and information on water, environment and development issues.

At SIWI we know water. Our job is to make sense of the current water situation in the world, explain complex processes, and analyse single events and long-term trends. Our communications team is here to assist the media with any requests around these issues. We also produce a wide variety of water and SIWI-related publications, newsletters and magazines, websites, articles, media, marketing and outreach activities, including for World Water Week.

For press and media updates

Read and subscribe to press releases

You can access our collection of videos and photos via the links below. To acknowledge our contents, please do not forget to credit us:

Download our assets in Flickr

Videos in Vimeo

Videos in YouTube

Our experts come from all over the world. They can provide you with background material and initiated comments on areas such as water resources and management, climate and development, water governance and diplomacy.

Please contact our press manager, Andreas Karlsson, to find the expert best suited to help you with your request.

Contact us

Water is our passion, which is why we are happy to assist the media in covering the most precious resource on our planet.

Get in touch