Satellites have become an essential part of our everyday modern life. Especially weather satellites as they provide a basis for weather forecasts from a unique perspective. However, did you know that anyone, anywhere, can receive images and data directly from weather satellites with low-cost equipment? The objectives of this study revolve around the UN’s Global Goals for sustainable development and how to introduce more accessible and democratic ways of conducting water and climate research. This study, therefore, examines if it is possible to conduct a scientific study with images directly from weather satellites. The study presents a novel way of receiving and analyzing sea surface temperature (SST) in the Baltic Sea region and its development during the fall of 2020.
This is how I came up with the idea for this project:My first inspiration for this project came from a video where different antennas were examined for satellite reception. I was immediately amazed by the fact that I, a high school student, could possible receive the same signals and data as weather authorities from these multi-billion satellites.

Marine and weather research in a cost-effective and democratic way (Poster) Digital poster presenting the project's main objectives and findings in a brief and accesible way.
Marine and weather research in a cost-effective and democratic way with independently received weather satellite images My submitted SJWP paper.