Kasonde Mulenga
Kasonde leads the implementation of Transforming Investments in African Rainfed Agriculture (TIARA) project in the Zambezi supports the ARC in other activities related to water governance and infrastructure in Africa. His background covers both WASH as well as IWRM (including groundwater!) making him a strong addition to Team SIWI.
Kasonde has over 20 years’ work experience in water resources planning and management, program and project management in the water sector . He has worked both in the public and private sector in the southern African Region. He has consulted for the SADC Groundwater Management Institute in the provision of technical support to the 16 SADC Member States in implementing pilot groundwater infrastructure projects under the World Bank/CIWA/GEF funded sub-grant project scheme so as to enhance the sustainability of the projects. He was also engaged in capacity building of RBO’s in operations and maintenance and project proposal for funding of water infrastructure.