Anna Wikman
Anna specializes in environmental management tools and implementation of sustainability strategies.
Over the last six years, Anna have been working in Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia on climate smart and high impact green growth projects. Anna has since 2015 worked to establish the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute's professional presence in Ethiopia. Part of this jobs has been to market the International Training Programmes to climate and hydrology relevant agencies and governmental institutions.
Additionally, Anna has marketed the Water and Climate Change Services for Africa programme to the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida) which she now works on part time of her SIWI commitments.
Anna has previously worked with the World Bank and recently authored chapters in a World Bank Group Knowledge Product, Country Environmental Analysis – Ethiopia. The CEA is a standard document produced for most countries where the World Bank Group operates in and assesses the state of the environment, the country trajectory and pathways to a sustainable and green economy.