
Every Drop Matters: synthesis report (shortened version)

Through the Every Drop Matters (EDM) global programme, Coca-Cola and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) worked in partnership with communities around the world to identify and implement solutions to water-related challenges. This publication highlights the key achievements made across its many projects conducted during 2010-2016, providing snapshots of some impressive results across 21 countries.

EDM-Short-Report 1

As EDM closes, the programme is now taking stock of its achievements. Through its global programme, it has reached out to over one million people within Europe and the CIS, the Arab States and Asia. This publication highlights the key achievements made across its many projects conducted during 2010-2016, providing snapshots of some impressive results across 21 countries.

Every Drop Matter synthesis report

As EDM closed in 2016, the programme is now taking stock of its achievements. Through its global programme, it has reached out to over one million people within Europe and the CIS, the Arab States and Asia. This publication highlights the key achievements made across its many projects conducted during 2010-2016, providing snapshots of some impressive results across 21 countries.

Read the complete report