Activity.Aug 05, 2021

Water-forest interactions complex but crucial in ecosystem service delivery

Forested watersheds provide an estimated 75 percent of the world’s accessible freshwater resources and over half the Earth’s population depends on these for domestic, agricultural, industrial and environmental purposes.

The Forest and Water Champions (FWC) is an initiative of the United Nations (FAO), the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the Stockholm International Water Institute and the SIWI Swedish Water House to enhance the attention to the important role played by the forest-water nexus in securing resilient landscapes.

Read the blog summarizing a webinar series organized by the Forest-Water Champions, on how managing the interlinkages between forests and water benefit agroforestry, biodiversity and climate. This webinar series has be a runner up to World Water Week 23-27 August, where the issues will be further discussed.