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- Source-to-sea management a prominent issue at the 8th World Water Forum
Source-to-sea management a prominent issue at the 8th World Water Forum

The S2S Platform will be involved in a number of activities during the 8th World Water Forum in Brasilia, Brazil, 18-23 March.
For the first time at World Water Forum, the Platform will host a High-level panel on source-to-sea management: Towards joint action by the freshwater and ocean communities (20 March, 14:30-16, Aguas Claras auditorium), with ministers of environment as well as water and sanitation, discussing together with top management representatives from private sector, financing institutions and inter-governmental bodies This is a unique opportunity to solidify the connections between decision-makers who focus on marine and freshwater issues, and to heighten knowledge about and commitment to, the linkages between SDGs 6 and 14.
We are also co-organizing the thematic session entitled Emerging Policy Solutions to Manage Water Quality from Ridge to Reef (22 March, 9-10:30, room ST9 (M Cons2)). This session will focus on how we can replicate and scale up or down emerging and innovative policy solutions to meet the water-quality challenges in different situations, locations and scales including vulnerable communities in different parts of the world.
In addition, a meeting for S2S Platform members and prospective partners will held on 22 March (13-15, room 41) to exchange information and discuss activities of the S2S Platform and its partners in the coming years.
Other events in the Forum programme that are of interest from a source-to-sea perspective include the following:
Understanding Water Quality from Ridge to Reef (21 March, 9-10:30, room ST4 (M10)
Source-to-sea priorities in different regions (21 March, 11-12:30, Arena 5)
Integrated land and water management: focus on the big picture (21 March, 16:30-18, room ST9 (M Cons2)) and
the High-level panel on Revitalising IWRM for the 2030 Agenda (20 March 20, 16:30-18, Alvorada Auditorium).
Join us and help us make fresh- and salt water meet at the 8th World Water Forum!