Activity.Nov 30, 2018

SIWI at COP25: Accelerating Action Through Water Solutions

Climate risk is water risk. SIWI’s aim in attending the COP climate meetings is to contribute to efficient climate action by translating water knowledge into global policy. SIWI provides suggestions on how resilient water management can be integrated into the UNFCCC programmes and implementation mechanisms.

SIWI is expanding its presence this year at the COP25 in Madrid, presenting our climate action ideas and solutions inspired by resilient water management and governance. Just as water flows through different ecosystems and supports various sectors and industries, SIWI connects across a wide range of public and private sector partners in agriculture, energy, infrastructure, finance and science and technology to lead and contribute to cross-cutting, outside-the-box discussions on accelerating climate action. Follow us @siwi_water!

SIWI’s aim in attending the COP is to contribute to efficient climate action by translating water knowledge into global policy. SIWI provides suggestions on how resilient water management can be integrated into the UNFCCC programmes and implementation mechanisms.

SIWI works closely with stakeholders to advocate for the role of water resilience in the development and implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and National Adaptation Plans (NAPs). We also have a history of working with business leaders to promote sustainable, climate smart business practices.

SIWI has been actively engaging in climate negotiations since 2009. In 2015, SIWI co-founded the #ClimateIsWater initiative – a collaborative effort involving the Alliance for Global Water Adaptation (AGWA), World Water Council and many other actors to raise the profile of water in the global climate negotiations.