Opportunities.Oct 14, 2019

Opportunity for bachelor or master student alumni!

World Water Camp 2020

Are you a bachelor or master student with high interest in water resources and climate change? Sign up for World Water Camp 2020 for a unique learning experience!

Date: October 18-23 2020
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

A day at the camp:
– Morning Lectures addressing
the Task of the Day
– Group activites at the congress site
– Evening “Philosophers’ Hour” enhanching
reflection on the experiences of the day

The program also includes:
– Technical tours
– Engaging “Career Talks”
– A festive dinner and a visit in the world
renown amusement park Tivoli

A more detailed program will be provided closer to the event.

About the camp
World Water Camp is a one-week course camp aimed at bachelor or master students whom want to learn more about water resource management and climate change adaption.
The camp takes place alongside the IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition. As a camp participant, you will explore the Congress and learn from this highly inspiring environment
counting 10,000 water professionals from all over the world.

Fotograf Ole Hartmann Schmidt på vegne af Aarhus Vand

Want to sign up?
Application at via.dk/watercamp open from October 1 2019 to January 15 2020

For questions, contact: Julie Dam Larsen, judl@via.dk
More information: via.dk/watercamp