Activity.Aug 16, 2021

Nine seminars to help us build resilience

World Water Week 2021 is focused on the multifaceted theme Building Resilience Faster. Don’t miss the Scientific Programme Committee’s nine seminars with science-based perspectives on a broad range of related topics.

Since it started 30 years ago, World Water Week has been firmly rooted in science. Every year, SIWI’s Scientific Programme Committee prepares a Thematic scope to outline the theme of the next World Water Week – here you can read the 2021 Thematic scope.

The Scientific Programme Committee also organizes nine seminars during the Week that should not be missed by anyone wishing to explore the year’s theme more in-depth. Each seminar is in turn a three-part series to give room for many diverse perspectives and interesting discussions. You can pick one seminar that seems particularly interesting or join several. But you must be a registered participant at World Water Week, which this year is free of charge – sign up today. World Water Week is a fully digital event taking place 23-27 August.

Here are this year’s nine seminars:

Register for World Water Week today to get access to the seminars and hundreds of other sessions and activities.