Activity.Aug 19, 2021

Join us for the Stockholm Junior Water Prize Ceremony on 24 August

With less than a week to go before the award ceremony, excitement is growing around Stockholm Junior Water Prize 2021. On 24 August 2pm CEST we will find out who are the winners.

For many of the young innovators, participating in Stockholm Junior Water Prize is only the beginning of a successful career. Like all scientists, the participants are driven by their curiosity, but many are also motivated by a genuine concern for the environment and a strong commitment to improving the lives of other people. It is common to hear finalists describe how the competition transformed their lives and opened their eyes to science and global water issues. What started out as a school project can end up as a business or lead to an academic career in science.

In 2021 we celebrate the 25-year anniversary of the Stockholm Junior Water Prize and youth innovation. 44 finalists from 32 countries will join this year’s ceremony to present their contributions to a jury of distinguished water experts and compete for the international title. The overall winner is chosen by an expert jury and announced by the prize patron, H.R.H. Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden. In the same award ceremony, we also get to know who is awarded the Diploma of Excellence and wins the People’s Choice Award. All three awards are presented at the Official Award Ceremony on 24 August at 2pm CEST, during World Water Week.

To follow the award ceremony, you must be registered for the World Water Week. It is free of charge and also gives you access to more than 400 interesting sessions. Sign up now and join us!