06 Dec 2019, 16:00 - 17:00

COP25 Events: Young Water Solutions for Sustainable Development

6 DECEMBER, 16:00 – 17:00 • Norrsken House, Stockholm

The global youth plays a vital role for achieving sustainable development, both as advocates and solution-finders. Hear young innovators and Stockholm Junior Water Prize-finalists from Sweden and Spain share their solutions to water-related challenges.


During the last year, we have seen a groundswell of demand for climate action from the public in general, and youth in particular. Teenage climate strikes and high-level climate summits has created an increasing sense of urgency, and that commitments and statements about the importance to mitigate and adapt to climate change must now turn into action to implement solutions.

This joint event will highlight such solutions and water’s integral role in climate change mitigation and adaptation, as well as in achieving broader sustainable development. The event will feature young innovators and scientists from Sweden and Spain, showcasing their solutions to challenges in water availability, energy, and waste management, as well as challenges related to the lack of knowledge of climate change impacts. These are challenges that many countries, including Nordic countries, are facing, and they need to be dealt with in a manner that both promotes sustainable development and counters climate change. The solutions presented at this event are parts contributing to that overall goal and exemplify how water solutions can contribute to achieving other sustainable development goals as well. The event will also feature a discussion on the challenges facing young innovators and scientists.

Venue name: Norrsken House
Venue address: Birger Jarlsgatan 57 C, 113 56 Stockholm
Venue URL


16:00 Welcome and presentation of SIWI – Ania Andersch, SIWI

16:05 Panelist presentation & discussion;
• Miguel Sequeiros, Spain
• Ariadna Gonzáles Navarro
, Spain
• Jonatan Persson
, Sweden
• Michael Nyirenda
, Sweden

16:40 Audience questions followed by concluding remarks.

The event is free of charge and no registration is needed.

Read more about the COP25 events happening in Stockholm here!

06 Dec 2019, 16:00 - 17:00