Conference.23 Aug - 31 Aug 2022 , 0:00

Women in Water Diplomacy Network Forum at World Water Week

World Water Week logo 2022

The Women in Water Diplomacy aims to host a multi-day Network Forum event on the side of the 2022 World Water Week to support networking and experience exchange across all Network members. With the support of our partners the Network aims to host the Network Forum with limited in-person participation in Stockholm and broad online participation.

Exact dates and times to be determined. Stay connected for more information!

The Women in Water Diplomacy Network is also planning on hosting a hybrid public event at the 2022 World Water Week with limited in-person participation as well as broad online participation. We welcome partners to join us in this event’s development. For details, please contact Elizabeth A. Yaari, SIWI.

Water diplomacyGender and water
23 Aug - 31 Aug 2022 , 0:00

We need your help!

Your organization can sponsor members of the Women in Water Diplomacy Network to participate in-person at the 2022 Network Forum and the World Water Week in Stockholm.

Contact us for details