26 Feb 2020, 0:00 - 13:00

Water dialogues: Where are the women in the decision-making process? Examples from Africa, Europe and Asia

The International Centre for Water Cooperation seminar – lunch included

Welcome to our first water dialogue of 2020! SIWI and IHE Delft will present their findings from their study on women’s participation in water governance.

Whilst women’s participation has increased in recent years, the participation in high-level processes remains at a staggering 2 %. The study consists of a comparative case study on decision-making from a gendered perspective and examines three different basins: the Nile basin (North-eastern Africa), the Rhine basin (Europe) and Chu-Talas basin (Central Asia).

The objectives of the study are to asses:
(1) If and how gender indeed impacts decision-making;
(2) Which effects women’s participation in decision-making have for water cooperation and conflict prevention; and
(3) How to effectively strengthen inclusive high-level decision-making.

Venue: Linnégatan 87A, 115 23 Stockholm


Keynote: Birgitta Holst Alani, Ambassador and Member of the Swedish Women’s Mediation Network
Maria Vink, Director of Transboundary Water Management at SIWI
Alexandra Said, Programme Officer at SIWI
Jenniver Sehring, Senior Lecturer in Water Governance and Diplomacy at IHE Delft
Rozemarijn ter Horst, Lecturer in Water Diplomacy at IHE Delft

A lunch will be served from 11:45.
The seminar is free of charge but REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED.

Limited number of spots available.

26 Feb 2020, 0:00 - 13:00