26 Apr 2021, 15:00 - 16:00

Water Dialogues – Improving Public Health Through Water

This SIWI webinar series invites the audience to get acquainted with the laureates’ and SJWP winners’ respective work and to contribute to the discussion on how the world needs to respond to current challenges, and future needs. The series will be divided into five different sessions, where each session will centre around a dialogue between one Stockholm Water Prize Laureate and one Stockholm Junior Water Prize winner.

This webinar is part of the Water Dialogues, and will look into the topic of water-related health risks.


Zoom recording

The issue of mosquito spread infectious diseases is present in many parts of the world. In Argentina, dengue outbreaks constituted the worst epidemic in history in 2016. Given the close link between human health and environmental quality, the idea of the project was to identify biocontrol agents to deal with the issue in a way that does not harm the environment. Michaela Itatí Linera & Emiliano Aquino were the Stockholm Junior Water Prize nominees from Argentina in 2018 for their project.

Professor Joan Rose of the USA was named the 2016 Stockholm Water Prize Laureate for her tireless contributions to global public health: in assessing risks to human health in water and creating guidelines and tools for decision-makers and communities to improve global health.


26 Apr 2021, 15:00 - 16:00