Conference.01 Nov 2021, 15:00 - 16:30

COP26 | Water and mitigation: From science to climate action

Water and Mitigation: From Science to Climate Action

This session aims to provide a holistic view on water's role in mitigating climate change. It will highlight effective freshwater measures with high mitigation potential in water systems, energy systems and different ecosystems.

Water and mitigation event at COP26 Water Pavilion

Freshwater-related mitigation measures in water systems, energy systems and ecosystems (such as wetlands and other inland water ecosystems, forest, croplands, rangelands); Mitigation within the water-sanitation-hygiene sector, including links to energy and cities-infrastructure; Educate on the water sectors collective GHG emission impact, celebrate those utilities who have already made a Net Zero commitment, and call other corporations and utilities to make their own commitment.

  • Welcome remarks by session moderator: Torgny Holmgren, Director, SIWI
  • Keynote by Ulrika Modéer, UN Assistant Secretary-General and Director of the Bureau of External Relations and Advocacy, UNDP

Scene setting: Water’s role in mitigating climate change

  • Achieving the Paris agreement mitigation targets through water. Malin Lundberg Ingemarsson, SIWI
  • Water-related mitigation measures in the enhanced NDCs. David Hebart-Coleman, SIWI

Video contributions from around the world – part 1

Towards low carbon water supply, sanitation and hygiene services

Contributions to mitigation. Silvia Gaya, Senior Adviser Water & Environment, UNICEF-HQ

Collaboration for mitigation

  • Ratish Namboothiry, Director, Innovation for Good & Sustainability, Kohler Co. (Member of 50L Home Coalition)
  • Water’s Race to Zero. Austin Alexander, Xylem
  • The Water Initiative for Net Zero (WINZ) Campaign Launch. James Dalton, IUCN / Jon Lane, SIWI / Ingrid Timboe, AGWA

Video contributions from around the world – part 2

Towards low carbon water supply, sanitation and hygiene services: contributions to mitigation. Silvia Gaya, Senior Adviser Water & Environment, UNICEF-HQ

Panel discussion – Views from outside the water sector

  • Citizen engagement – Isatis M. Cintron (Latin America Regional Coordinator, Citizens Climate International)
  • Climate finance – Morgan Richmond, Climate Policy Initiative
  • Public Sector – Paula Kehoe, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission and Chair of US Blue Ribbon Commission

More information on the event

Water and climateWater and the 2030 Agenda
01 Nov 2021, 15:00 - 16:30