COP26 | Water and mitigation: From science to climate action
This session aims to provide a holistic view on water's role in mitigating climate change. It will highlight effective freshwater measures with high mitigation potential in water systems, energy systems and different ecosystems.

Freshwater-related mitigation measures in water systems, energy systems and ecosystems (such as wetlands and other inland water ecosystems, forest, croplands, rangelands); Mitigation within the water-sanitation-hygiene sector, including links to energy and cities-infrastructure; Educate on the water sectors collective GHG emission impact, celebrate those utilities who have already made a Net Zero commitment, and call other corporations and utilities to make their own commitment.
- Welcome remarks by session moderator: Torgny Holmgren, Director, SIWI
- Keynote by Ulrika Modéer, UN Assistant Secretary-General and Director of the Bureau of External Relations and Advocacy, UNDP
Scene setting: Water’s role in mitigating climate change
- Achieving the Paris agreement mitigation targets through water. Malin Lundberg Ingemarsson, SIWI
- Water-related mitigation measures in the enhanced NDCs. David Hebart-Coleman, SIWI
Video contributions from around the world – part 1
Towards low carbon water supply, sanitation and hygiene services
Contributions to mitigation. Silvia Gaya, Senior Adviser Water & Environment, UNICEF-HQ
Collaboration for mitigation
- Ratish Namboothiry, Director, Innovation for Good & Sustainability, Kohler Co. (Member of 50L Home Coalition)
- Water’s Race to Zero. Austin Alexander, Xylem
- The Water Initiative for Net Zero (WINZ) Campaign Launch. James Dalton, IUCN / Jon Lane, SIWI / Ingrid Timboe, AGWA
Video contributions from around the world – part 2
Towards low carbon water supply, sanitation and hygiene services: contributions to mitigation. Silvia Gaya, Senior Adviser Water & Environment, UNICEF-HQ
Panel discussion – Views from outside the water sector
- Citizen engagement – Isatis M. Cintron (Latin America Regional Coordinator, Citizens Climate International)
- Climate finance – Morgan Richmond, Climate Policy Initiative
- Public Sector – Paula Kehoe, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission and Chair of US Blue Ribbon Commission