On 22-24 March, the United Nations headquarters in New York will host a historic conference on freshwater. SIWI will play an active role to ensure that countries finally tackle the urgent water crisis and deliver on commitments already made. Learn more about our positions and activities.

It is hard to overestimate the importance of the UN 2023 Water Conference. Compared to the last such meeting in 1977, we now have a much better understanding of global water challenges, and the world has committed to solving many of them, for example through the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted in 2015. But progress to achieve the agenda has stalled after the Covid-19 pandemic, and we are now getting more and more off track.

Water and foodAgriculture and water
12 Dec 2023, 11:00 - 19 Dec 2023 13:00
Glasgow, Online

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The response varied significantly within different regions, and in the federal government versus state governments. Main urban service providers (such as Sabesp in Sao Paolo) were very active in supplying extra water and sanitation kits to the population. NGOs and cooperation agencies increased interventions mainly on behavioural change.

Very little or no intervention was noticed to support the financial loss of service providers, who suffered up to a 70% decrease in income during the first weeks of the pandemic. Very few measures were taken in rural areas or indigenous communities.

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The response varied significantly within different regions, and in the federal government versus state governments. Main urban service providers (such as Sabesp in Sao Paolo) were very active in supplying extra water and sanitation kits to the population. NGOs and cooperation agencies increased interventions mainly on behavioural change.

Very little or no intervention was noticed to support the financial loss of service providers, who suffered up to a 70% decrease in income during the first weeks of the pandemic. Very few measures were taken in rural areas or indigenous communities.