07 Jul 2020, 0:00 - 13:30

ONLINE HLPF SIDE EVENT: Water as the Economic Driver

Water as the Economic Driver: A transformative pathway towards jobs, decent work, and an inclusive economy


Presentation (PDF)

ZOOM video recording

SIWI are co-convening this event with Women for Water Partnership, Tajikistan, Norway and South Africa.

Water accelerates action across the whole SDG agenda because of its interconnections with a range of sectors such as agriculture, energy, and health, and, as such, can transform the global economy.

Globally, more than 3 out of 4 jobs (WWDR 2016) depend on the supply of sufficient water. By investing in water management, we can build back better after Covid-19 and accelerate progress towards a sustainable and inclusive economy that leaves no one behind.

This event will highlight water’s catalytic role for jobs and the economy at large, and how resilient water management and governance go hand in hand with transforming our economies to be more resilient, sustainable, and inclusive.


H.E. Mahmadaminov, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Republic of Tajikistan to the UN
Maarten Gischler, Water Advisor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of the Netherlands
Alette van Leur, Director of Sector Policies Department, ILO
Olcay Ünver, Vice-Chair UN-Water
Margarita Astralaga, Director, IFAD
Adrian Sym, CEO, Alliance for Water Stewardship
Soma Ghosh Moulik, Practice Manager, World Bank
Aaron Salzberg, Director, UNC Water Institute
Miguel Trejo, Secretary, Water Youth Netwrok
Joshua Newton, Josh’s Water Jobs
Oriana Romano, Head of Water Governance and Circular Economy Unit, OECD
Mariet Verhoef-Cohen, President, Women for Water Partnership
Torgny Holmgren, Executive Director, SIWI


Jennifer Jun, Stockholm International Water Institute
Lesha Witmer, Women for Water Partnership


07 Jul 2020, 0:00 - 13:30