Forest-Water Nexus Supporting Biodiversity
In the World Economic Forum’s 2020 Global Risks Report, biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse were ranked as two of the most crucial threats that humanity will face in the next ten years. These threats are highly affected by climate change, as species are not able to adapt fast enough to keep up with the changing ecosystems.
Presentation by Michaela Lo, CIFOR
Presentation by Linnéa Jägerud, Swedish Forest Agency
Presentation by Aline Fransozi, University of Sao Paolo
Both forests and water are essential for biodiversity and climate change: housing diverse ecosystems and regulating climate, ultimately contributing to the resilience of the livelihoods, water and food security of communities. Besides being crucial for both biodiversity and climate change, forests and water are highly interlinked with each other. Trees and forests play a major role in the hydrological cycle, affecting both the quantity and quality, as well as regulating the division between surface and groundwater flows. This webinar will bring up nature-based solutions as ways to enhance biodiversity and mitigate climate change.
This is the first in a series of three webinars, hosted by the Forest-Water Champions (FWC), a group initiated by FAO, IUCN and SIWI and consisting of experts from AGWA, CIFOR, Forest Trends, Global Resilience Partnership, ICRAF, IUFRO, UNEP and WRI. The FWC meets annually to identify common ground and enhance the attention to securing resilient landscapes through the forest-water nexus.
Read more about the consortium’s work and the FWC webinar in this blog post published on Forest News.
We look forward to you joining us in the discussion on nature-based solutions in water-forest management!
The webinar will be broadcasted on Zoom, livestreamed on Facebook and recorded.
Introduction and welcome remarks
James Dalton, IUCN Global Water Programme
(Bio)diversity is vital for resilience, adaptation and mitigation – A look at “wetlands” as nature-based solutions
Hans Schutten, Wetlands International
The Blue Targeting Tool
Linnéa Jägerud, Swedish Forest Agency
Aline Fransozi, University of Sao Paolo
Tropical forests influence freshwater fish through multiple pathways
Michaela Lo, CIFOR
Interactive dialogue with the audience
Concluding thoughts
Cora van Oosten, Project manager at Wageningen Centre for Development University and Research and Content & Learning coordinator at Global Landscapes Forum
